Getting Started, Friends of Figma Taiwan!

Nov 12, 2020, 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM


First FoF Taiwan's Meetup event! We are going to host an in-person event at PicCollage with a sharing session for 2 speakers and a free-discuss session for designers to learn from each other. we will also make the whole event live stream on Facebook, come join us! Remind: We already sent out a signup form for designers in Taiwan to join the event, so no need to purchase tickets from here.

About this event

First FoF Taiwan's Meetup event!

We are going to host an in-person event at PicCollage with a sharing session for 2 speakers and a free-discuss session for designers to learn from each other.

we will also make the whole event live stream on Facebook, come join us!



Topic outline:

1/ From Silo, Team, to Advocate, my two years Figma journey.

2/ From Sketch to Figma, the good, the bad, the tears.


7:30PM - welcome and introduction

7:35PM - sharing session #1 (include Q&A)

8:10PM - sharing session #2 (include Q&A)

8:45 PM to 9:30 PM - Free discuss & networking



Thursday, November 12, 2020
11:30 AM – 1:00 PM UTC


  • Lichin Lin

    Design Engineer

  • Lucy Tan


    Product Designer

  • Emily Lin

    Product Designer

  • JasonCK


    Product Designer (UI & Design System)

  • 賴靜儀


    UX Designer

  • Jason Wang

    Product Designer

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